Wednesday, June 29, 2011


As frustrating as school was this passed year there is a part of me that was ready to send OLA and his BBA back to school three days into summer break. Summer has brought its own challenges. Although the melt downs have been less often and less severe, we still manage at least one most days. It is tough to keep a child who doesn't self entertain well busy and out of trouble all day every day. The easiest would be to park him for half a day in front of the wii and leave him -any longer and we have over stimulation melt down.  But the teacher/mother part of me cannot consciously leave him in front of the wii/TV/computer longer than forty mins. a couple of time a day. He still needs to do other things that don't involve electronics. And this creates the quandary of finding things to engage him that doesn't run all the rest of us ragged and allows BBA sometime for his interest too. Part of me can't wait for school to start again. And part of me dreads the school/homework battles that are sure to in sue once we do go back. SIGH!!! No way to win this one?!?!?

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