Friday, July 8, 2011

My BFF!!

Sleep is a delicious thing. It is quickly becoming my BFF. I lay in bed at night and wait for the blessed relief of sleep to over come me. It is the time of day that I get a few hours of respite from the battle we are fighting everyday. Everyday there are new challenges to be fought and new waves rolling onto the shore. Some days the battles are more challenging than others but most days are taxing. I love OLA with all my heart but he is a hard child to parent and that is the reality. At the end of many days I am bone weary and spent - both emotionally and physically. There aren't many who know just how challenging parenting a child like OLA can be - not unless you too are parenting one of these special angels. So seven or eight hours spent each night with my BFF is a time of respite. Time to let go of the days challenges and regroup to wade into the fray again tomorrow.

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