Monday, July 11, 2011


I feel so tired today. Both emotionally and physically. I'm tired of not getting enough sleep. I'm tired of the meltdowns. I'm tired of the name calling. But mostly I'm tired of always having to apologize or explain OLA's behavior. And then there is always feeling like I have to explain my parenting decisions to people. They've never walked our path. It's always "why aren't you firmer with him" or "why don't you tell him 'no' ". Never realizing we are firm with him and we do tell him 'no'. Telling him 'no' leads to hours long melt downs and being firm oft leads to aggressive confrontations. They've never had to side step multiple flying objects. Or listen to their seven year old repeatedly tell them they are fat, stupid, dumb, a butt head, ugly and a host of other words that are ugly and hateful. Nor would I guess too many of them have scratches from where there seven year old has raked their arms or legs in an out of control rage. I'm tired of people assuming they know exactly what I am doing wrong as a parent or exactly what needs to happen to OLA to "straighten" him out. Lots of advice but little or no understanding. Aren't we good at judging other people and what they need to change. (LOL). I'm tired of the judgement but no volunteers for a little bit of respite. It's a daily battle that I fight (24/7) with almost no break. I think I've lost my sense of humor in all of this. Maybe that's the true swimming against the waves battle that I need to fight!?  So today I'm Tired!!

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